
INES Publishes Guide to the Gas Storage Act

The Initiative Energien Speichern e.V. (INES) has today published a guideline for the implementation of the Gas Storage Act. In less than ten weeks, the storage industry is thus presenting a practical and legally tested proposal for implementing the legal requirements for the minimum filling of gas storage facilities.

INES has developed a guideline for the implementation of the Gas Storage Act to support storage operators in the implementation of their legal obligations. The guideline does not contain any mandatory requirements for the market players, but rather contains solely non-binding implementation aids for operational practice, which cannot take into account the specific circumstances of individual cases. The guide is based on the legal situation applicable at the time of editing and will be further developed as required or on the basis of new findings; it is not intended to be exhaustive.

On the initiative of the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA), INES presented a possibility for implementing the Gas Storage Act to authority representatives and the market area manager on May 19, 2022.

The guideline ensures that the given storage levels can still be achieved by storage users for as long as possible, so that the market area manager has to supplement the market but not replace it.

Against the background that the Gas Storage Act was passed in the Bundestag on March 25 and in the Bundesrat on April 8, 2022, Sebastian Bleschke, INES Managing Director, comments on the publication of the guide with the following words: "In less than ten weeks, the gas storage industry submits with this guide a practical and legally tested proposal for the implementation of the Gas Storage Act. With the guide, storage operators will enable safe achievement of the specified storage levels."

The INES Guide can be downloaded here.

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